Okay, so go ahead and nominate me now for the worst mother of year award; however, I could not pass up the opportunity to share this week's LOL photos. I couldn't even stop at one or two photos this week but am bringing an entire series of shots to the blog post just so you can either share in my laughter or simply sympathize with my poor son.
My youngest 1-of-3 and I planted a garden this year which includes jalapenos for the salsa my kiddos like me to make. Since the day she and I put the first pepper plant in the ground, my son has been anxiously awaiting the ripening of our first spicy vegetable. I believe his words were, "I just can't wait to eat a jalapeno straight off the plant. Will you please let me try it?" How could I say no...
This week was the week. Our plants are heavy with ripe peppers and middle 1-of-3 came running into the kitchen. "I think they're ready! Can I eat one now?" were his words. I do think there are most definitely appropriate occasions for children to learn from their experiences. So, I did what any doting mother would do, handed him the kitchen shears and grabbed my DSLR!
Let me just give this warning now, if you are already cringing - don't look any further!
As he nervously began, I was clicking away. First, hesitation...second, small bite off the very tip...third, not so bad he thinks...fourth, bigger bite - seeds and all...
Well, as Paul Harvey would say, you know the rest of the story! And quite frankly, the photos do a much better job at giving you the rest of story than I ever could.
Oh how I love this boy, and the good laugh he gave me this week!
Dislaimer - no young boys were seriously harmed in the making of this blog post :-)
My eyes burned just reading this!