Today is my one year blog anniversary! Over the past year, Qwerty and I have spent hours together. Me tap, tap, tapping and she just obediently recording my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As I write, she sees the laughing me, the crying me, the angry me, the sentimental me, the reminiscent me... She is faithful through it all.
Tonight, I spent some time looking back over the posts of the year, some time reflecting. The tool I use to create my blog provides me with interesting statistical information. Tonight, as I look back, I'm sharing with you my top 3 blog posts.
My number one post was "In-Law." It featured a great photo of my family-in-law! Here we are -

My second most popular post was from my LOL series - LOL #7. This was a post about my silly Pool Mix that has become one of my many traditions - AKA, ploys to keep my children interested in coming back to visit me when they are grown and gone. It featured a photo taken with my handy dandy pocket cam, my iPhone 4. Here's the shot -
My third most popular post is one titled, "Tribute." It was one that I wrote after a visit to Arkansas to attend my brother-in-law's Air Force retirement ceremony. My thoughts recorded by Qwerty really didn't do the military the justice they deserve, but it did feature some great shots I was able to capture from the air show we also attended while there -
These three posts were earned most popular status on my blog simply through the number of views they received, so it's difficult to know why they were the most popular. Was it the writing, was it the photo, or was it simply because the posts were shared in a heavy online traffic spot?
As I spent this time reflecting and remembering, I asked myself, "Has this blog served the purpose you intended it to serve?" When I began, I had two main goals in mind - 1) To have something fun that could be entirely mine and for myself and 2) To use the blog as an opportunity to improve my photography.
Honestly, Tracey Carol * Behind the Lens has fulfilled those two goals and more. I have been surprised at how much I have enjoyed relaying my thoughts through Qwerty; how satisfying it has been to simply reread back through my posts. I have also been surprised by the wonderful comments I've received both online and off by viewers.
Tonight, I also decided to share my personal favorites. Here they are -
#1)Taste Buds
Today, I say thank you to any and all who may have viewed, read, shared, or commented. Today, I say thank you to Qwerty for being patient with me. Today, I say it's been a fun blogging year. Today, I look forward; I look forward to more posts, more thoughts, more photos, more sharing...
Thanks -
PS - If you have a favorite post, I'd love to know which one!