This summer I have been focusing on an area of photography that is fairly new to me. Typically, I find myself photographing faces and places and experiences. But about six months ago, and after much diligence and perseverance, I approached a new area - stock photography. What is stock photography? Stock photos are the ones people encounter multiple times a day, every day. They are the generic photos on a Web site; they are the photos that come in the picture frames purchased in stores; they are on greeting cards, gift bags, and giant billboards.
Why did it take such diligence and the repeated words of "keep trying" from my hubster? Because the Stock Powers That Be are ultra picky! They have to be - they are in the business of selling photographs. They only make money if someone is willing to purchase the photos their contributors have submitted.
Photos are expected to be ultra sharp, have appealing composition, premium lighting, and of course, a subject and topic that is saleable. While the expectations were annoying at first and rejection was frequent, the same expectations have made me a stronger and more reflective photographer. Instead of an annoyance, it's now a challenge. I have been forced to think outside of my photo box. I've been challenged to take images to a new level in editing. I have learned so many lessons and I must say, have grown as a photographer during this new venture. I see images in the oddest of places sometimes - a hole I spotted while walking along out split rail fence or on the sun roof of the hubster's car after a rainstorm. I even had someone say to me a few days ago, "You see photos in everything around you!" Which is interesting and probably very true, because I do often find myself thinking, "That would be a really cool shot."

Seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary isn't confined to photography though. Several events have occurred in the past few weeks that have brought this topic close to home - some exciting, some unexpected, some simple, some tragic.
This summer I've learned of unfavorable changes in the workplace. I've experienced a first ever train ride. I've visited a city I've never before seen. I've had dinner on my patio with my husband while all three kiddos were away at other activities. I've sunbathed by the pool while hearing three siblings laugh and giggle. I've received news of a good doctor's report. I've consoled friends at a funeral home who tragically lost a son and a brother. I've received hugs and had arguments. I've seen an abundance of raindrops and a little sunshine. I've been a passenger instead of driver with only my children in the car. I've been greeted by a wiggly tailless dog with what looks like a smile on her face every time I've returned home from even the shortest absence.
Take Stock...
Take Stock...
Take Stock...
Take stock in the ordinary... because it's simply extraordinary!
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