A few weeks ago, I returned from my parents' home with three plastic bins of "stuff." They had cleaned out their attic and had designated the contents of these bins as items that belonged to me and items I might want to keep. My mother and I share the same sentimental gene so I'm sure she knew I would enjoy looking at all of my artifacts from yesteryear. She was absolutely right! And not only did I enjoy it, but I found my middle-child-of-three and my husband laughing hysterically yesterday in the garage. The bins were wide open and they were exploring.
I joined in the search since I hadn't looked through this particular treasure chest. At the very bottom of the loot was my middle school letterman jacket! The funny (funny interesting, not funny ha-ha) thing about that was the hubster and I had just been discussing these fine specimen of sportswear with our children just a few days ago.
Oh, was I laughing-out-loud when I put this treasure on and started modeling around the house! Not only was I laughing at the jacket but I was getting a real kick out of the reactions from my three kiddos! My oldest-one-of-three was completely mortified that I would even don this fashion disaster. (Not to worry though, I later saw her trying it on!) My youngest-one-of-three just said, "Ohhh!" and gave me one of those you're-so-weird-mom looks. My middle-one-of-three joined in my laughter but was really more interested in the 1970s Duncan yo-yo that was also part of the loot in my treasure chest!
Oh what fun memories! Little do my three kiddos know, but in our attic are three large plastic bins, each labeled with their names. Their treasure chests have been gradually getting filled up with loot from their lives.
This week's LOL photos are of me and my lovely letterman jacket from 1979 taken by my sweet little nutter butter and future photographer! Hope you enjoy the hilarity of the scene and I most definitely hope you have some hilarious treasures of your own! Go Grizzlies!
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